
Monday, February 22, 2010

Chapter Five

In life, no one likes to feel like they're being taken
advantage of, however slight the offence. Everyone
likes to believe that the ones closest to them stand
behind them and support them. But people sure have
a funny way of showing it, thought Jim.

Jim didn't like playing the role of the docile, compliant,
furniture store clerk, but when the occasion did present
itself Jim did rise to that occasion. He possessed a
good work ethic and he prided himself on this fact. He
reminded himself that he put his pants on one leg at a
time like any other man.

At approximately 10:00am, Rory, the store owner, unlocked
the front door and they did enter the store together. Jim
headed to the back of the store and Rory went behind the
counter to put away her purse and examine the receipts
from the previous day. Jim switched on the lights and then
set the temperature gauge. He stood surveying the store
wondering what nutty concoction she would come up with
for him to do this day. And a silence did befall the store.
And the tedium of setting up the store occupied Jim's mind.

"Do you want a donut," she asked Jim in a loud slightly
high pitched voice so he could hear her from the back of the

Her voice startled him and then a shard of light did bounce
off a curio windowpane and catch Jim squarely in one eye
having the effect of temporarily transporting him to another
place and time. A place far away in an exotic land like
North Africa. The ocean a deep blue. Him walking along
a stretch of beach. A soft breeze caressing his face.

Jim steadied himself on an ocher colored dinette chair and
replied to her: "Yes, I'll have one donut, thank you."

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