
Sunday, August 15, 2010

John Waters' Obsessions

Johnny Mathis
Princess Summerfall Winterspring
Johnny Ray
Clarabelle the Clown
Margaret Hamilton’s Wicked Witch of the West
Cyril Ritchard’s Captain Hook
Bad Seed’s Patty McCormack
Dorothy Malone, (“Monster Mash” creator)
Bobby “Boris” Pickett
Tennessee Williams
(Manson girl) Leslie Van Houten
Jean Marais
James Purdy
Yukio Mishima
Rei Kawakubo
(Baltimore burlesque legends) “Lady Zorro” and Esther Martin
Cy Twombly
Mike Kelly
Peter Fischli
David Weiss
Richard Tuttle
Richard Baker
Moyra Davey
Little Richard
(“outside pornographers”) Bobby Garcia and David Hurly
(high-brow authors) Denton Welch, Lionel Shriver, Christina
Stead, Jane Bowles, Ivy Compton-Burnett
(slain atheist) Madalyn Murray O’Hair
Andy Warhol

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