
Friday, October 08, 2010

richardporter's thoughts on the upcoming elections

Our good ship the Democratic Party has a gaping hole in
the side and we're taking on water.  

Corporations are bigger and stronger than ever and our
attempts to keep the little man and woman afloat are failing
us at the moment.

When history looks back upon us let these words stand out:
God dammit we tried!

When an elderly frail black woman in Mississipp opens her
mailbox and finds a check, think of us.

When the men and women who fought in World War II,
Vietnam, and the Korean War and were able to attain their
dreams through the G.I. Bill, think of us.

When black soldiers were not allowed to fight along side
white soldiers and we changed that, think of us.

When black children were unable to attend school with
white children and we changed that, think of us.

When the poor and destitute were unable to afford food,
we changed that.

When the poor and destitute we're unable to find or afford
Health Care and we changed that, think of us.

When Republicans claim to be the Party of Fiscal
responsibility and AREN'T and when Carter, and Clinton
left office without leaving this country in the red, think of us.

When now more than ever the country needs a Party that
can solve a myriad of social, economic, war and foreign
problems, think of us.


The Democratic Party of the United States of America

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