Dear Mr. Prince (interim property manager, The Winton Hotel),
I hope this letter finds you doing well this evening.
Me, not so good.
On the eve of receiving an answer, or a meeting time to discuss, my request that Tenderloin Housing Clinic, The Winton Hotel, and you Mr. Luke Prince, intitigate or perform an investigation into my charges that my neighbors, Sylvia Room 426, Jack Room 428, and Michael Room 327, fume my room, and by fuming I mean, using a mechanical device, to inject a substance into my room that produces the following symptoms in me: dizziness, ringing in the ears, blurred vision, generalized pain, anxiety, depression, anger, forgetfullness, suicide ideations, hopelessness, fear, worry, and confusion.
This fuming of my room began within days of moving into the Winton Hotel on September 1, 2017 and came from Sylvia and Jack's rooms respectively. Micheal room 327, came later, when he moved from the 4th floor some months ago. The frequency of these initial fumings in the beginning, were, if I were to guess, 1 to 2 times per day. The frequency today is non-stop, around the clock. Just so we're clear on this.
Within days too of moving into the Winton, I filled a complaint and a request for an investigation and since then have repeatedly have done the same. But I have not received a written statement as to why this fuming continues despite my constant complaining about this to Mrs. Leslie Valdez, Property Manager, of the Winton Hotel.
Specifically, and I'm requesting this again, to be given to me, in writing, from Mrs. Leslie Valdez, explaining to me, what interventions she has performed on my behalf regarding my charges against my neighbors. Because I have not received anything even approximating that.
I also too want to include another room to this list: and I'm not sure what gender, or more specifically, what species this thing is: but they live in room 330.
I too, and this is based on my first-hand experience with dealing with non-profit/governmental employees, but I will find unacceptable, if your decision is to deny me an investigation, includes any of the following words or phrases:
1. by the look on Mr. Porter's face
2. from the way Mr. Porter walked
3. God appeared to me in a dream
4. his/her credentials included a degree in Sociology with Basic Math
5. my gut feelings tell me
6. Madame Ruby says
7. Crystal Ball informed me
8. little green men on a spaceship
Ok, then, I'm hoping to post some audio recordings from the last couple of days to my blog and youtube account. And too I might do another 'youtube live' broadcast. I'm thinking too about inviting a bevy of injury attorneys to one of my broadcasts. Do you know of any, per chance? And so with that said, have a good evening Sir.
And could you please too place all my correspondence with you into my tenant file, and the same goes for you Mr. Glenn Loutey. And speaking briefly regarding Mr. Glen Louty, I'm reminded of an old saying: 'with friends like him who needs enemies.'
Rich Porter
445 O'Farrell Street Room 427
San Francisco, California
cc: Glen Loutey, VA
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