
Saturday, January 01, 2011

Houston Area Gays Warn, Watch Your Brokebacks, There's Violence On the Rise.

This weekend marks the third hate related crime in Austin, Texas for the year. A young man was leaving a gay club when he claims that five men drove up and jumped from their vehicle, shouting derogatory terms and assaulting him and his friend.

The attackers swung at and attacked Bobby Beltrain and his friend, Chris Ortega. After the attack, Bobby is still shaken up and warns that the streets of Austin are not safe. The local police are searching for those responsible and are asking for any clues as to their identities.

It's a shame that people still resort to violence against people who's lifestyles they do not agree with. Reasoning and understanding are needed in our modern world and neanderthals like this have no place using their fists to disagree with another person. Hopefully the culprits behind this attack can be apprehended before they escalate their level of violence.

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