
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Asher Brown - No New News Here!

Asher Brown, 8th Grader, Kills Himself With 9mm After Anti-Gay

Monday, September 27, 2010

She's Looking At Russia!

richardporter Before The House Ethics Committee


richardporter, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Judge, may I address the court?

You may.

Is 'part of the truth' acceptable? I need to know that! What
will a half-truth get me? Do two half-truths make a whole
truth? What can I get for a quart? Someone tell me that! I
was never good at the math! Mines a very modest back-
ground! I prefer to break truth into little pieces! Then I can
parcel it out as it fits my cause. Is this making sense? Quite
honestly, the whole truth frightens me! What do we gain
from telling the whole truth? Nothing, but pain and suffering!
And what about truthfulllessness: does that play a role here?
Am I sweating? I'm nervous! I don't like to sweat! Does
anyone really know what the truth is? Because someone needs
to tell me! I'm not even sure why I've been called 'here' before
this committee, of my so-called peers! Am I making myself
clear here? I stuttered as a child! I should have known this
right from the start! You guys don't fool me! I can read each
of you like a book! A very thin book! ...Mr. Chairman and
distinguished members of the jury I cannot in good faith swear
to tell the truth or swear to your God, even though I have many
times sworn using God's name in vain, of course! Is there another
way? Gentleman, this may come as a great shock to some of
you, but I feel I must tell you this! Call it a compulsion, call it the
hair on my back, but I'm descended from Apes! And as far as I
know, Apes don't worship God, although we have been known
to occasionally use the Lord's name in vain! Sure, there have
been a few Apes who have worshiped Man-God! But these
were 'foxhole' and 'tall building' situations! But let the word go
forth from these hallowed chambers here today folks: these
deviants were punished severly, and their ration of bananas
sharply curtailed!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Politics as a Contact Sport: Videographer Gets Slugged During Kitzhaber Speech

I don't share this view but I'm certain that there is a small
group of Democrats, mainly from Indiana and the South,
that wish they had dragged this guy outside and beat him
like in a Martin Scorsese film. Of course, I would never
condone such behavior.

Full Story Here
Full Video Here

Coding, Focus, and Hardwork -- Mark Zuckerberg

'Obama's Wars' by Bob Woodward

"Mr. Obama as engaged in a methodical decision process
that is nearly the polar opposite of the gut calls and out-of-
channels policy making of the Bush administration, which
Mr. Woodward mapped in four earlier books."

"Mr. Obama is seen repeatedly questioning his aides and
the military about the actual United States mission in
Afghanistan and underlying assumptions about the war."

NYT's Book Review

But a senior administration official defended the depiction of
the president's actions in Woodward's Book.

"The president comes across in the review and throughout
the decision-making process as a commander in chief who
is analytical, strategic and decisive, with a broad view of
history, national security and his role," the official told Fox
News, describing the debates as "well known."

Fox News Book Review

Saturday, September 25, 2010

1950 Oldsmobile Rocket 88

PROFILES IN COURAGE by richardporter

(ASIDE TO AUDIENCE) And just think, yesterday I
was washing dishes.  Now I'm hunt'n down a

Bring me my car around!  And can you make it snappy?
I'm late for an appointment.  I'm so lucky to have

But sir, you don't own a car!

Well then, put me in an alternative universe - one where I
do own a car!  Do you know anything about string theory?

String theory sir?  Does that have anything to do with cats?

I'm thinking of an certain automobile.  A Rocket 88!  Not
to be confused with the Rocket 77!  Muster up all your
available resources; call in some favors; and produce me one!

The Lexux Sport Coupe 430?

Bingo!  You read me like a cheap tawdry road map.  That's
what I like about you.  I gotta dollar here for you somewhere.
You take green backs?  Mean green?  I'm in a hurry boy!
The one with the drop-top, leather seats, and gangster white
walls, if you have them.  I'm feeling wanton and must act on
this urge.  And make it snappy!

Are you talking to me sir?

I'm talking to somebody.  You don't have a smoke on you
do you?  I'm trying to quit, but it's probably not going to be
today.  Maybe tomorrow.  But who knows what tomorrow
will bring.  I sure as hell don't.  Thank you.  Maybe I'll win
the lottery.  Maybe I'll hit the ^*&^% jackpot!  Can I get
that cigerette, and my car?  You see, I'm in a hurry.  I have
a destination - a purpose.  My purpose driven life.  There's
someone somewhere waiting for me uptown.  Not
downtown!  Uptown!  I believe its due north of here, or
at least magetic north anyway.  I feel something pulling me.
Maybe it's the tide.  Maybe it's the moon.  I think I'm
feeling low tide right about now.  Washed up on shore I
have with bloody sea shells still in my hair.  Do you know
where I can find a good dry cleaner?  I look like bloody
&^%$ hell.  I'm scarce half made up!  A product of
dissembling nature, no doubt.  Gotta freshen up though.
Does my hair look okay?  Do my pockmarks stick out?
Where's Broadway?  I hail from a small one horse town
but I feel like visiting a gated community.  I'm no spring
chicken!  That's fer damn sure.  Passing and not doing a
very good job.

Sir, if you don't move along I'm going to have to call the

Ah yes, the men in blue.  This city's finest.  I should be so
goddamn lucky.  But what about all those things you were
going to do for me?  I tell you what, forget about the car.
Forget about the cigerette.  A taxi will do.  So is life.
But could you do me one last favor?

What is that sir?

Make it *&^%? snappy!  I'm in a *&%@% hurry.  I'm
going no where, you see!

I see sir.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Which One Is A Republican Senator's Son Or Daughter?

Christina The Teenage Witch

Fox News Headline:

O'Donnell Fires Back at Personal Attacks
GOP Senate candidate responds to Democrats' smear

I guess Mike Castle, Karl Rove, and Bill O'Reilly are
considered Democrats in the eyes of Fox News.

Sarah Palin Wannabe Air-Head Christine O'Donnell who
had said that if she had been in Nazi Germany during
World War II and the Nazis had asked her if she knew of
Jews being hidden this is what she has said:

COMEDIAN EDDIE IZZARD: What if someone comes to
you in the middle of the Second World War and says,
'do you have any Jewish people in your house?' and you
do have them. That would be a lie. That would be
disrespectful to Hitler....

O'DONNELL: A lie, whether it be a lie or an exaggeration, is
disrespect to whoever you're exaggerating or lying to, because
it's not respecting reality.

O'DONNELL: I believe if I were in that situation, God would
provide a way to do the right thing righteously. I believe that!
[If Jews had to die, so be it. (My insertion)]

MAHER: God is not there. Hitler's there and you're there.

O'DONNELL: You never have to practice deception. God
always provides a way out.

God Help Us All!

Skank Tour Canceled

Narita, Japan, Paris Hilton canceled her Skank Tour and
returned home when denied entry at Tokyo's airport
Wednesday for violating Japan's tough anti-skank laws.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Otto Dix, Weimar Germany - "Anita Berber" 1935

"Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me” (1994), Spanish novelist Javier Marías

Seafood poisoning, a cigarette lit as the person is
drifting off to sleep and that sets fire to the sheets
or, worse, to a woollen blanket; a slip in the
shower - the back of the head - the bathroom
door locked; a lighting bolt that splits in two a
tree planted in a broad avenue, a tree which, as
it falls, crushes or slices off the head of a
passer-by, possibly a foreigner; dying in your
socks, or at the barber's, still wearing a
voluminous smock, or in a whorehouse or at
the dentist's; or eating fish and getting a bone
stuck in your throat, choking to death like a child
whose mother isn't there to save him by sticking
a finger down his throat; or dying in the middle of
shaving, with one cheek still covered in foam,
half-shaven for all eternity, unless someone
notices and finishes the job off out of aesthetic
pity; not mention life's most ignoble, hidden
moments that popple seldomn mention once
they are out of adolescence, simply because
they no longer have an excuse to do so,
althouth, of course, there are always those
who insist on making jokes about them, never
very funny jokes.

I did not want to know but I have since
come to know that one of the girls, when she
wasn't a girl any more and hadn't long been
back from her honeymoon, went into the
bathroom, stood in front of the mirror, un-
buttoned her blouse, took off her bra and
aimed her own father's gun at her heart, her
father at the time was in the living room with
other members of the family and three
guests.  When they heard the shot, some five
minutes after the girl had left the table, her
father didn't get up at once, but stayed there
for a few seconds, parlayzed, his mouth still
full of food, not daring to chew or swallow,
far less to spit the food out on to his plate;
and when he finally did get up and run to the
bathroom, those who followed him noticed
that when he discovered the blood-splattered
body of his daughter and clutched his head in
his hands, he kept passing the mouthful of
meat from one cheek to the other, still not
knowing what to do with it.

Questions From My Readers

Dear richardporter,

I'm married with children to an overweight Christian woman
who refuses to cook, clean, or tend to the children. Do you
think Shariah Law could help my marriage?


In Need Of Certitude

Dear In Need Of Certitude,

Yes, there's an old Muslim saying that goes like this: Show Me The
Pots Or We Show You The Rocks.

I suggest joining a Mosque and moving to Yemen as soon as

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Leftist Defined By A Rightist

I see the "dope smoking","squat when I pee", "livin'with my
parents", "can't hold a job", "drawing a government check",
"having plenty of sex.....with myself", "pseudo-intellectual",
"making weekly trips to the free clinic", "carrying my entire
life in my back-pack","quoting Marx, Lennin and Mao"
crowd is still at it. 

As Posted On by Subsailor

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

D&G by richardporter

Another Advertiser!

FBI Warns Obese People Not to Burn The Koran

Derek Fenton, who burned pages from the Koran outside the
planned Islamic center near Ground Zero on September 11
Goes Into Hiding at FBI's Insistence after Assassination

An FBI agent said the job of hiding Mr. Fenton is made more
difficult because of the size of Mr. Denton,  'When you're as
fat as Mr. Fenton my advice would be not to burn the Koran.'

The Agent suggested instead that only small people burn the
Koran, 'because they're easier to hide.'

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


The reason I think a counter on a blog is important is
because it gives one instant feedback on the progress
of said blog, for the blogger and the reader.

I too use google analytics. And of course I use
statcounter. But each gives me conflicting,
confusing and unreliable information. Especially
because they can't seem to block my visits to my own
site even after I have given them my IP address.
Of course I've heard of roaming IP addresses. Mine,
for example, has begun recently to show my address
as being out of Atlanta Georgia. This began when
my internet provider, Clear, formally ClearWire,
upgraded our service. They explained that my IP
roams because they are seeking the least expensive,
what is the phrase I am looking for: the least expensive
internet time, server space, or something like that.

Of course solving this problem seems to me a matter
of a few lines of code, you know the if-then-else algorithm.

Another reason counters are frustrating is there
doesn't seem to be a uniform way of presenting the
data. And cookies, people erase their histories for
privacy and also thinking that their computer will run
more efficiently but what effect does this have on
the counter data?

And while I'm on the topic another thing that bugs
me about statcounter is that they're alway trying
to shake me down for money. I'm proud to say
that I have never purchased nada on the internet.

Anyway, those of some of my thoughts on counters.

Yes, I think a visible counter on a blog is important.

Arrested Sexual Develoment

Indiana Teen Commits Suicide After Taunting From Classmates

After being subjected to taunts about his perceived sexual orientation and being called "fag" Billy Lucas Here Is Full Story hangs himself.
This kid reminds me of the line from the Neil Young song Rockin' In The Free World:
There's one more kid that will never go to school
Never get to fall in love, never get to be cool.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Obese Man Burns Korean Menu at Ground Zero Mosque

A Post From TheRightSide via on 9/11/2010

EVERY AMERICAN should make it a priority to make every
muslim feel so uncomfortable or intimidated as to drive them
out of the country. Do not visit their places of business. Shun
them at every turn (as they do us). Bankrupt them whenever
possible. Loosely gather outside their mosques to make your
presence known. Be aloof when they visit YOUR place of
business. I live in SW Florida and after 911 most of these dogs
left this area due to "discrimination" and "discomfort". They
KNOW how we are....(grin). They transfered their gas station
leases and vamoosed to wherever. It works. No more Mr. Nice
Guy American....

9-11 2010

One Vision For My Blog [click to enlarge DA]

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Dear Democrats, Independents, and Moderate Republicans

I understand that the economy sucks.  I understand
that many of you are suffering.

But I think if you hash over the facts and examine the
details that since this crisis began the Republicans
have sat on the sidelines and thumbed their noses at
the American people while the Democrats rolled up
their sleeves and tackled successfully many of
America's toughest problems.

Democrats are circumspect in our outward behavior
and can't come close to matching the hatred shown
by the other side.  We don't pray in public and we
don't expect to rewarded for our hard work.

So be it.

Word Of The Day - Mash-Up

In Web development, a mashup is a Web page or application
that uses and combines data, presentation or functionality
from two or more sources to create new services.

A mashup or blend[1] (also mash up and mash-up) is a song
or composition created by blending two or more pre-recorded
songs, usually by overlaying the vocal track of one song
seamlessly over the instrumental track of another.[2] To the
extent that such works are 'transformative' of original content,
they may find protection from copyright claims under the "fair
use" doctrine of copyright law.

1. eg. Linkin' Park / Jay Z

2. eg. "His face was mash up after that fight".

3. eg. "That song was so mash up it gave me a nose bleed".

Monday, September 06, 2010

Montage Number Three [Click to Enlarge DA]

I Use This Product - Try It! -New Advertiser!

When Steven Crowder Realized He Was a Conservative

I don't know about the rest of you but I'm getting tired of 
Republicans like Steven Crowder always carrying on about 
how they're the victims of Hollywood and the MSM. 

As if somewhere in some moguls office hollywood types 
are throwing darts at an image of Steven Crowder. Of 
course. they better have some big darts! 

I'm not even going to repeat here what Debbie Schlussel 
thinks about this guy given that it would probably have this 
post deleted. 

I thought only Democrats were supposed to play the victim's 

The Honor Role Of Republican Victims Continues: Palin, Brewer, 
Rand Paul, Prejean, Rubio.... 

Could it be that people just see them for what they really are: opportunist 
who prey on the fears of others, especially Republican fears?

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Investigative Journalism by richardporter

Breitbartwhine by richardporter
Feb, 2010 CPAC - this sound was heard in the background.
If you have any information about who made this noise please
contact me. Because I heard the same sound in Dade County
circa Nov 2000 and I want to verify if it's the same person.

Dewey Defeats Truman

"Dewey Defeats Truman" was a famously inaccurate banner
headline on the front page of the Chicago Tribune on November
3, 1948.

This reminds me of the very high expectations by Republicans
of taking back the House this Fall.

You simply can't keep a good Democrat down!

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Friday, September 03, 2010

Sarah Palin and the MSM

Sarah Palin, after flubbing the Katie Couric interview decided
to eshew the main stream media and insulate herself instead
within the warm confines of Fox News et al.  Well, this
avoiding of such is beginng to turn hot and will soon begin to
boil.  I think she's made a huge tactical error by not facing up
to the MSM head-on, from the beginning.  Because if you don't,
and which is our American custom, then you haven't been
properly vetted.  And because of the tension building I believe
that when she finally does face the MSM that this will lead to
her final unraveling.  Like Jan Brewer with the beheadings. And
we'll finally be done with her!  We won't feel too bad because
she'll have left us alone a very rich woman.  Silver and Swag!

Or, she'll become our next President!

Who can say!  But after Republicans have given us the likes
of Reagan and Bush, nothing surprizes me anymore.

And while I'm at it, has anyone here ever examined her tweets?
(no pun intended) They seem to me like something a cheerleader
in HS would compose.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010